Monday, September 20, 2010


What is the definition of family? Is there a certain amount of people needed to be considered a family? Does everyone have to be related? does everyone have to love and care for eachother? is there a requirement of one mom and one dad? well if a family has to meet those standards in order to be a family then i do not have one. In my eyes a family can be any number of people, related or not, loves and cares or does not. In my eyes a family is anyone who loves and cares for anyone else. a family to me is someone willing to do anything for someone else. a family is a group or less wanting to help and provide for someone. who is constantly making sure that someone is okay. making them cookies or making them smile. letting them borrow their pants or letting them use some sugar. i have a large family here in flagstaff and i wouldnt trade them for the world.

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